

本书精心选取的20个主题涵盖40首 经典古诗,每个主题按钮对应2首古诗,互动性高。孩子们能按一按,听一听,跟着真人标准发音读古诗。古诗内容丰富、插画精美简单,语言形象生动。古诗正文标注拼音,诗后附有导读和生字,方便孩子理解和学习。孩子能通过背诵音律优美,朗朗上口的诗句,培养学习华文和中华文化的兴趣。适合5岁以上的孩子。

An enjoyable selection of 40 classic poems with 20 themes, presented in an interactive and engaging way. Press a button to hear the lively audio recording of each poem and learn to recite them. Each poem comes with a concise explanation to facilitate understanding of its meaning and background, as well as two new Chinese characters to learn.

Recommended for ages 5 and above.

Keywords: bloom, blossom, hardcover, interactive, audio, sound, poem, culture, history, china, values, rhyme