原自美国,纽约州本土创作大奖得主振奋人心的力作,中英文对照。这本富教育意义的书为孩子们介绍各种不同的勇气,鼓励他们勇敢和有自信地面对生活中的各种挑战- 骑自行车不装辅助轮,尝试不喜欢的蔬菜等等。画面鲜活, 风趣幽默;语言优美,朗朗上口,是一本值得珍藏一生的书。适合三岁以上的孩子。
Translated from an award-winning US original. A heartwarming, bilingual book that explores different kinds of courage, from riding a bicycle without training wheels to trying a new kind of vegetable and more, this beautifully illustrated book encourages children to find courage and confidence when facing challenges of their everyday life. A book for keeps!
Suitable for ages 3 and above.
Keywords: Hardcover, english, bilingual, translation, bloom, blossom, values, courage, confidence